The age of new work and how workplace strategy enters a new era

The future of workplace strategy has the office up in arms, there’s no secret about it. When the pandemic happened and introduced another “New Work”, everyone had to adapt on a global scale. And now that everyone’s vaccinated and the worst hopefully has passed, what happens next?

spaciv continual process from evaluation to creation

There’s been a gigantic movement towards hybrid working. Google has done it. Meta has done it. But not every company is a massive corporation.

So, what does this mean for everyone else? Let’s take a look.

Jobs and people are changing workplace strategy

The pandemic allowed us to experience a different kind of working. Hybrid has long been coming, but was always thought about as some sort of pipe dream. Now it’s become a reality, it’s changed how we work overall. This also aligns with evolving previously existing working processes. If employees work from home, they can’t walk to the office and physically sign in. Hybrid demands an easier route. An updated routine.

Whilst “New Work” may seem daunting, workplaces are already capable of easy change

The change to a more dynamic workplace is easier than it sounds. You don’t have to completely overhaul an existing process, nor do you have to shake up your staff.

We live in an era of technology that is dictated by the trends that guide our global consciousness. The trend for hybrid working has guided an industry into developing solutions for making the switchover as painless as possible.

By using such technologies, you can take commonly used data and turn it into actionable insights for your company. No two companies are the same, so your workplace requires an individual solution.

By systematically turning your data into the insights for your workplace strategy, you can foresee the actions you need to take, to manage this drastic change in workplace culture.

It’s difficult to go it alone. But there are applications that are developed specifically for this use. So make sure you use them.

With people starting to take their work home, there’ll be space left over in your offices and buildings. Optimising this space is the key to a successful transition.

Our clients have found that a data-based approach, has increased their business performance in many ways. Shorter work paths mean work is done quicker. Right-sizing saves costs for rent. It’s all down to your employee’s needs, and they don’t stay static. A static workplace, combined with dynamic needs, is doomed to struggle.

“By implementing an approach that offers continuous, up-to-date insights,
you can make sure the office isn’t just a place to get away from home, but a
better place to work and a place to work better.”


Sticking to established processes is easy. It’s comfortable. It’s passive. But workplaces are continuously demanding more, so that we can get the most use out of them.

So whilst it may be easy to keep doing the same things, it’s probably not the most profitable. It’s important to not fall behind the mark, as the more talented members of the workforce, look for the workplaces that best support their needs.

Evaluate. Explore. Plan.
Stop the guesswork and plan according to your insights and data.